Every medical spa must have quality content, high online visibility, and a compelling digital marketing strategy to succeed in the market. Owners need to deliver content straight into their target audience’s hands to make a change. For this purpose, email marketing for med spas is an approach that is worth spending time on.

Medical spas need an effective email marketing campaign to boost their profitability. This article will present the best tips and tricks for email marketing for med spas.

Creating the email template

To create your email template, you can use email marketing software (EMS) such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or Campaigner. The software can provide you with basic email templates. Alternatively, you can create templates from scratch. Designing your own can lead to more attractive templates. Here are a few tips.

View Other Samples: You can view other sample templates for inspiration, especially those shared on social media platforms like Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram. Viewing different designs will give you a good idea of a layout and design that you might like to use.

Stay With Brand’s Style: These emails represent your brand. Therefore, they must be aligned with your brand language. To do so, you can use your medical spa logo and the on-brand colors and fonts to remind the readers of your reputation and credibility.

Order the Content Wisely: The goal is always to drive traffic to your website content. Adding promotional links or discount codes in the emails is fine, but make sure not to hard-sell your customers with your services and provide genuine advice or information.

Remember Mobile Users: Your emails must also be optimized for mobile users. For example, ensure there are no unclickable bodies or photos, off-putting paddings and margins, inconsistent font sizes, and inappropriate headers and bullet points so users can easily read the emails on mobiles.

Include Rich Footers: Make sure you provide essential information about your medical spa in the footer. For example, you can include contact details, physical addresses, and links to social media platforms.

Creating email content

The next and last step is to provide quality content in your emails. Consider these points when creating emails.

Keep It Short, But Inviting: People soon tire of long and draggy content. Therefore, you need to provide concise yet enticing content that attracts them. You can use engaging sentences that can arouse the customers’ curiosity.

Use Catchy Subject Lines: Subject lines are the first things users see. They decide whether to read your email based on the subject line. Thus, it would be best if you wrote them strategically to raise your customers’ attention and tempt them to read the rest of the email.

Use Exciting Call To Actions (CTAs): CTAs motivate your customers to take action. A catchy CTA can entice them to click on your website link. Keep CTAs short, direct, and clear so your customers know precisely what you want them to do.

Find the Best Frequency For Sending Emails: You should refrain from bombarding your customers with emails. Instead, you can send them marketing emails at least once or twice a month if you have enough quality content. Also, try to send your emails evenly, like scheduling them on the first and fifteenth day of each month.

Track the Performance of Your Emails: You need to consistently track your email campaign’s performance to ensure an enhancement in your future strategy. For example, keep track of open and click rates to determine which subject line and content are preferred the most.

Although creating marketing emails for your medical spa is challenging, it can significantly boost your sales if performed correctly. With all the tips and tricks above, you will ultimately be able to create enhanced marketing emails for your medical spa.

Med Spa marketing

For more information on boosting your sales through email marketing for med spas, contact Med Spa Marketing at 919-726-4366.

Kim Adamof
Kim has worked with brands since 2011 to develop and manage their digital and social media strategies; meet company objectives, such as increasing leads, engagement, and website traffic, utilizing best practices, the latest tools and strategies; and develop quality content. She is a problem-solver who loves a challenge when it comes to increasing sales.